A lot of people have asked how I underline and bold my text when I’m chatting to them in Facebook chat. Facebook only currently support underline and bold, not italic.
To create a BOLD statement, use stars and any text in between them will automatically BOLD. Example: “You *pathetic* imp!” will become “You pathetic imp”!.
To do underscores/underline just use _ as place holders. Example: _HELLO_ will become HELLO.
Simple really.
You can also try these emoticons in chat:
:) - happy
:( - sad
:P - tongue
:D - grin
:O - gasp
;) - wink
8) - glasses
B) - sunglasses
:3 - cute/cat-like
>:( - grumpy
:/ - unsure
:’( - cry
3:) - devil
O:) - angel
:-* - kiss
^_^ - “kiki”
-_- - squint
O.o - confused
>:O - upset
<3 - heart
:v - Pacman
:|] - robot
:putnam: - Chris Putnam (Facebook Engineer)
(^^^) - Shark
<(") - Penguin
and in your usernames, how about hearts and musical notes?
☺ / ☹ / ♪ / ♫ / ☻ / ♥ /
I tried the bold font thing and it didnt work. 🙁
Sorry to hear that it didn’t work, but these are almost 3 years old now. In that time, FB have moved to using a different back end and changed stuff up a lot.