So this is a weird one. After an upgrade from SP1 to CU7 the Exchange server would go nuts. It would send a couple of emails, start throwing errors about resources, the throttling would come in and go medium then high. At that point it pretty much locked up and allowed about 2% sending and receiving.
There’s not much about this error anywhere, it’s error Event 16028 and then you get no information on a reload.
Event 16028, MSExchangeTransport
A forced configuration update for Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.TransportServerConfiguration has successfully completed. Object details from the last notification-based reload: . New details:
So it turns out the problem is the queue database. If you stop the ExchangeTransport Service, delete or rename the queue database and then restart the Transport Service it will kick back in to life and work again.
It seems to be something to do with the upgrade. You will also get errors about performance counters which start after CU7 too. You can ignore them as they are warning with Event ID 106 but it’s highly irritating.